Please read the FAQs before emailing your question!
If you ask a question that is covered in the FAQs, your email will not be answered.
Thank you so much for understanding!
I have a question/comment/concern that is about or involves Home Free or any other members of Home Free in any way.
Any and all questions/comments concerning Home Free should be directed to Home Free’s management. Any questions/comments concerning other members of Home Free should be directed to their management. This contact is for Austin’s solo projects only. Any questions/comments/concerns about Home Free will not be answered.
I have a question/comment/concern that is about or involves Austin's personal life in any way.
Emails on this subject are not only unnecessary, but also inappropriate. Don't be that person.
Can I book Austin for a show? Will Austin play at my event? Is Austin currently touring? Is Austin performing anywhere?
Austin is not currently booking any solo shows. Sign up for the mailing list to keep up to date on changes to this in the future.
I was contacted by someone claiming to be Austin or a member of Austin's team. How do I know if it was really him?
It is not him. Austin will never reach out to you nor will anyone from his team. The people who are pretending to be him are contacting you to scam you out of money or to access your accounts/passwords. The only way you can contact Austin is through this website or his verified social media accounts. All his social media accounts have a blue check mark to the right hand side of the name except for Youtube. Youtube has designated Austin's channel as an artist profile, so it has a music note to the right of the username instead of a blue check mark.
For more information on how to avoid scammers from Austin and Amberly themselves, please watch their warning video on Youtube by clicking here.
I have a question/comment about The Beauty and The Bass
We have been unable to post on The Beauty and The Bass Youtube Channel due to time constraints. We will resume posting on TBATB as soon as time allows in the schedule. If you are a subscriber to that channel, you will receive a notification when we post a new video. Until then, please be patient. We will not be answering questions about TBATB until we are actively posting there again.
Are CDs Available?
Not yet. Due to many different factors, we do not currently have CDs available for purchase. We recommend signing up for the mailing list at for updates on CDs in the future. You can easily do this at the bottom of any page on the website.
Would you like a shoutout, gift, ect for yourself or someone else?
Head on over to the Shop to see all the options we currently have available! 99% of the time, you will find what you need in the Video Messages! Please note: there is a limited availability. If the item says it is sold out, you can sign up for the waitlist to be notified when it is available again.
Can I send Austin something?
Sure! You can send whatever you would like to: P.O. Box 1984 Mount Juliet, TN 37121 USA
Will Austin sing a song I wrote, record a demo of my song, or write a song for someone I love?
Austin is not currently offering any of these services.
Where did Austin get his hat from the Man of Constant Sorrow music video?
It is an older H&M hat.
If you have a song cover suggestion, please click the button below and fill out the form.
Austin is not currently booking any solo shows. If you would like to provide your venue information for future show booking consideration, please fill out the form below. When Austin begins booking shows, the venues who have submitted here will be considered first.
Still have questions?
Fill out the form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you.